
+27 21 972 1111




Portland agrees to supply concrete as defined in COTO Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Works for State Road Authorities SERIES 6000: STRUCTURES, SECTION 6400: CONCRETE FOR STRUCTURES and SECTION 7100: CONCRETE PAVEMENTS subject to the following conditions:

Section 6402 (b) (3) and Section 7102 (c) (i) Drying shrinkage

Due to the proven repeatability and reproducibility problems related to concrete tested in accordance with the SABS Method 1085, Portland reserve the right to define the accredited laboratory at which the tests are conducted. Mix designs will be approved based on the laboratory performance of the mixes and concrete supplied will be batch in accordance with these approved mixes.

Section 6404 (b) and Section 7103 (d) Strength concrete.

A valid test result for a sample of concrete shall be the average of three cubes made, cured and tested in accordance with the relevant SABS test method, tested at a laboratory accredited for the test(s) and sampled in accordance with the truck sampling method defined in SABS 878.

Section 6406(f) Ready-mixed concrete.

Since concrete supplied by Portland must conform to the requirements laid out in SABS 878: Ready Mixed Concrete, only the acceptance criteria specified in section 5.8 of SABS 878 shall apply. The judgement plans defined in Series 8000: Sundries, Section 8200 Quality Control (scheme 1) and Section 8300 Quality Control (scheme 2) shall therefore not apply to Portland.

Section 6407 (a) Placing and compacting: General and Section 7105 (d) Transporting the concrete.

Since concrete supplied by Protland must conform to the requirements laid out in SABS 878: Ready Mixed Concrete, only delivery times defined in section 5.5 of this standard will apply.

Section 6414 (a) and Section 7124 (a) Quality control and workmanship.

This section states that “The resubmission of concrete lots on the basis of cores for full or conditional acceptance shall not be allowed.” Portland reserve the right to gain full or conditional acceptance based on cores results, tested in accordance with SABS 865 and analysed in accordance with SABS 0100:2 1992 section 14.4.3, in the event of a dispute related to in situ concrete strength.

Section 7105 Batching, mixing and transporting concrete.

Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, in the event of concrete being supplied for pavements, only the acceptance criteria specified in section 5.8 of SABS 878 shall apply. The judgement plans defined in Series 8000: Sundries, Section 8200 Quality Control (scheme 1) and Section 8300 Quality Control (scheme 2) shall therefore not apply to Portland.


Where there is a dispute regarding the in-situ strength of concrete supplied by Portland, we reserve the right to only accept test results from a laboratory accredited for the test in question.


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